Saturday, November 12, 2005

Isis - Queen of the Three Worlds

Schau, dein Gebet hat mich gerührt.
Ich, Allmutter Natur,
Beherrscherin der Elemente,
erstgeborenes Kind der Zeit,
Höchste der Gottheiten,
Königin der Seelen,
Erste der Himmlischen,
Ich, die ich in mir allein
die Gestalt aller Götter und Göttinnen vereine:
mit einem Wink über des Himmels lichte Gewölbe,
die heilsamen Lüfte des Meeres
und der Unterwelt vielbeklagtes Schweigen gebiete.
Die alleinige Gottheit,
welche unter so mancherlei Gestalt,
so verschiedenen Bräuchen und vielerlei Namen
der ganze Erdkreis verehrt.

aus den Metamorphosen des Apuleus 11, 5
(Übersetzung August Rode)

Lo, I am with you, moved by your prayers,
I who am the mother of the universe,
the mistress of all elements,
the first offspring of time,
the highest of all deities,
the queen of the souls,
foremost of the heavenly beings,
the single form that fuses all gods and goddesses;
I who order by my will the starry heights of heaven,
the healing-giving breezes of the sea,
and the awful silences of those in the underworld:
My single godhead is adored by the whole world
in varied forms,
in differing rites and with
many diverse names.

En adsum tuis commota, precibus,
rerum naturae parens,
elementorum omnium domina,
saeculorum progenies initialis,
summa numinum,
regina (m)anium,
prima caeltium,
deorum dearumque facies uniformis,
quae caeli luminosa culmina,
maris salubria flamina,
inferum deplorata silentia nutibus meis dispenso:
cuius numen unicum multiformis specie,
ritu vario,
nomine multiiugo totus veneratur orbis.

Apuleius Metamorphoses Book 11, 5

suggested names:
• She is the mistress of all elements
• She is the Queen of the Souls
• She is the One adored by the whole world in varied forms,
in differing rites and with many diverse names.


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