Monday, November 21, 2005

Maria Theresia - Raja Laxmi

"In your country itself, Mozart was a realised soul. Your Queen Maria Theresia was a realised soul. But how will you know whether they were realised or not. Two Indians who came with Me who are realised souls, went down to the castle of Maria Theresia and came back and told Me: Mother, was she a realised soul? I said how do you know. They said tremendous vibrations from her photograph, from her statue were coming".
Extract: H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi:
Public Program, Deutsches Museum, 7.9.1984

"As you know that it was a very great country and Austria was regarded as one of the motherly countries. You’ve been a very balanced country. You had Maria Theresia, as a very great, great queen, I think, and all this happened there, there was a Raja-Lakshmi there. But to get the Mahalaxmi Spirit, to bring it to the Mahalaxmi, seeking should start."
Extract: H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi:
Bordi, India, 1984 (February ?)

gefunden von Dieter, Sept 2004


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